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to the virtual home of 

where the massive power 
of non violent communication
merges with the deep longing in your heart


upcoming workshops

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Opinion _ The Pope on Panhandling_ Give Without Worry (Published 2017)_edited.jpg


19 - 20 august 
compassionate communication
basic course 

14-15 october
compassionate communication 
intermediate course


find out more

in nature nothing goes to waste


you are nature

everything you think and feel is useful information

signalling to you the truth of who you are 

and where your soul wants to go

your body is a system as elegant and intelligent as any

other natural system in the vast and beautiful universe


ispeakcompassion shares tools, ideas and listening skills 

that help you make meaning of the life in and around you

so you can access and advocate for your authentic self.

you - who you really are, will come online 


ispeakcompassion shares dialogue skills

that help you draw out and ignite this honesty in others


reaching deeper

than we have before

humans will find more



and original intelligence

that will serve life


all life - our life


this is only

the beginning

of true human








My name is Jacqueline Roche

I teach skills that lead individuals and groups from the pain, blame, gain game to the 
truth and togetherness game.
I guide people through the maze of the false mind to the clarity of their genius within.

I help people and groups grieve  trauma and emerge into new landscapes nearer to our hearts desire

I support humans to transform their relationship to honesty and conflict to find the treasure available to us in every moment, every situation.

I write about current events from the perspective of non violence and our interbeingness to create bedrocks of understanding where humans can meet and unite.

I also write songs about translated ancient texts by masters and write nvc based music to integrate current events in my life. These will find there way to be recorded at some point.

And I dance because

"If  I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of       your revolution.’.
emma goldman



book a one to one communication coaching or healing one to one session with me


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